Monday, August 18, 2008

What not to do when getting your visa

After running into some technical difficulties trying to get my Chinese visa, I found my savior - Fiona (Chen), my friend Guli's travel agent. I call her and hear a voice say, "ni hou." Somewhere in my brain, the Mandarin tapes I've been listening to tell me that that means "hello" in Mandarin, and I should flex my new skillz and say "ni hou" back.

I stammer a "hi." Strike one.

Either way, we get past that and my butchering of Minguang Zhu (Guli's dad) (his name, not that actual dad), and work out the details. I print out my bank account statement, visa form, flight itinerary to hong kong, passport picture, get a bank check, and stick all that and my passport in a usps priority mail envelope at the post office. I weigh it, add a bunch of stamps, seal it closed, and stick it in the mail box.

Two blocks later i realized that i had written no address. Or return address. Strike two.

I go to china in three weeks and just lost my passport.

So I mosey back to the post office right in front of the mailbox, but they didn't have the key to open it. Now it was 4:45 and I had been skipping work for the last hour and a half. I realized that my best bet was to wait until the mailman came at 5:30, but that was a long time to wait and my long absence at work was probably a little suspicious. So I, foolishly, abandon the mailbox to go to my office for a few minutes, grab a book and return at 5:00 to continue my stalk. By 6:30 still no mailman and I had to leave; apparently he had come in those 15 minutes I was at work. Thus, I abandoned my passport to fate.

Strike 3.

But before i went, out of desperation I wrote 2 notes to the anonymous mailman who may yet have held my fate in his hands, each explaining what had happened. I added the address of the travel agent and put one inside the mailbox and the other set to pop out when the box was opened.

After 3 days of suspense, I e-mailed Fiona to ask if she got the package. (Not that I thought she had gotten it; at this point I was really hoping that they opened up the envelope, found my passport and bank statement, and sent it to my house.)

I finally get the reply - "Got it yesterday, no problems."


anonymous mailman: you are my hero


  1. ur savior was the mailman sir

  2. Great start

    if this is how it is in the states...i can't wait.

  3. chemsky, you make me so proud!
