Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nech and Michelle go to 7-11

I feel that being on exchange not only gives me license to travel on weekends, but also to be more adventurous the rest of the time.

Take Tuesday night. It started innocently enough. Swimming, dinner, and off with Michelle for a quick slurpee run.
After walking 15 minutes to the local 7-11 and finding it slurpee-less, we decided to continue on the road in the hopes of finding another. 20 minutes later still no 7-11, but, after getting ice cream from a gas station, we did see a path leading up into the forest. We took it.

There were no lights except for my cell phone and we had nothing in our pockets besides our school ID cards and less than $10 [U.S.].

Immediately we started going down steep steps until we passed some local tombs with remnants of incense. "Probably for the mountain god," Michelle suggested.

At this point we had already gone down about 200 steps, and the prospect of going back up was unappealing. We knew that if we continued down, we may have to go back up even more, but the potential of not walking up (and slurpees) was tempting. Thinking of Harold and Kumar, I decided on the slurpees. "We're on exchange," I said, "Let's have some fun."

So we continued. Down and down and down. We crossed over a couple streams, picked left at a fork in the path, found a swivel chair in the middle of a clearing, and (after about 1.25 hours) finally found a road. We were in Po Lam, right by the metro station. A little relieved, slightly bitten up by mosquitoes, and reasonably sweaty, we got back to school twenty minutes later.

But not before getting our slurpees.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice info about Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
    Thank you so much.
