Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New horny dicky club - Nech does Taiwan

Having been repeatedly disappointed with the Mandarin capabilities of Hong Kong's citizens, BFink and I were very excited to finally show off our new language skillz in the generally Mandarin speaking Taiwan. Unfortunately, we weren't entirely ready for the challenge - within hours after arriving, Brian managed to turn "Do you want to have lunch with me" to "Do you want to f*** with me over lunch."
Either way, Friday we (me, Brian, Mikhail, Tiffany, Tiffany's Taiwanese friend [who Brian so crudely propositioned], and the friend's friend) bounced around Taipei for a bit before settling in our hotel, leaving Brian to rest, and then heading out to Taipei's famous night market.Emboldened, Mikha and I tried some local street food, most memorably stinky tofu - even if it had tasted good, nothing is worth that stench. The next day we went up to the observatory deck of the (pre-2005) tallest skyscraper Taipei 101 before happening upon a performance by the winners of Taiwanese Idol and then visiting the memorial of Taiwan's ideological founder, Sun Yat-sen.
That night we discovered the new horny dicky club.
Unfortunately, that boy was not the only person who clearly had no idea what his t-shirt said. Two minutes later, we ran into "FREE! You do take me home!! Right now!! Cock and bun." Then we stumbled upon a goldmine in a store called "100% American" that was filled with shirts no American would dare wear outside. The winners included "Aggressive Town," "Topological Variation," and of course "You might say that all do it way created in love." For fun, I even went for the Fobby* look at one point.
Sunday, Brian and I woke up early to journey to Taiwan's breathtaking Taroko Gorge. Rebuffed by more than a dozen mo-ped rental rentals after arriving in the nearby city of Haulian, we managed to screw up our once real chance by admitting we'd never ridden them before. Another bus ride and several rain storms later, we found ourselves on a Chinese tour bus hitching a ride up from the park entrance to the gorge so we could salvage what was left of the day.
But salvage we did. After an intensely uphill but nice hike (in my naot), we meditated on a rope bridge suspended over the gorge. Later, after a nice walk along the gorge, we were in dire need of a ride to the bus station when we were rescued by 3 Canadians on mo-peds that we had met earlier during the hike. So much fun riding those things. Since we had some time to kill before catching our train back, we had dinner back in Haulian where we met Jhun Hin, whose job at the restaurant consisted entirely of getting people beer. Amused by our attempts at Mandarin and enraptured by our stunning good looks, she stayed with us for much of the meal and even gave us travel chopstix and a little screwdriver set (both sponsored by Taiwanese beers) as parting gifts.
Rounding out the trip with a Monday morning that included the National Palace Museum(host to some of China's finest treasures) Chiang-Kai Shek memorial (Taiwan's founder) and one of Taiwan's oldest temples (beautiful), by 6:00 PM we found ourselves back in Hong Kong - a mere 3 days before setting out again. Check back next week for Nech does the Philippines.


  1. Do Americans wear foreign-language shirts like that all the time and I just don't pay enough attention?
    I just noticed I'm wearing the greek penn dining shirt. At least I know what it means ('fresh'). I think

  2. hahaha... glad you guys are having fun and practicing your mandarin! we will have to go for dim sum next semester :)
